
See your provider without leaving home via just a simple click on phone, tablet, or computer.

Telehealth Visits

Click and Connect with us Online

You don’t have to drive to a clinic and sit in a waiting room to see your medical team! If you do not need a procedure during your appointment, Telehealth can be much more convenient!

Video visits are scheduled when an appointment is made. About 15 minutes before appointment time we’ll give you a call. You do not need to download anything or do anything special. You’ll receive a link on your phone, tablet or computer. Click and connect with us online - it’s easy!

Have a Great Telehealth Appointment

We know that it can take a little work and planning to get the most out of your visit. Here are some tips our clinical team prepared to help you have a great appointment.

  • Find a quiet private space with good lighting: Consider facing a window and not having the window behind you.
  • If you can, close all other programs on your phone or computer:, the website we use for video visits, works best on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari.

  • Use a computer, tablet, or cell phone with a working microphone and camera: Try propping up the camera with books so your hands are free and your provider can see your face.

  • Meet us where your internet is strongest: If you can, use a wired connection or sit near your wi-fi.

Help Your Provider Help You

Write down your questions or concerns beforehand. This will ensure that you don't forget anything.

Check your temperature, weight, and blood pressure before the visit. If you have diabetes, check your sugar; if you have diabetes or high blood pressure and need a machine, please let us know during your visit.

Have your medications and any papers you will need nearby. We want to make sure that you are taking your medications correctly and have enough refills. We also want to see your records and any documents you have received from other medical teams.


Become a patient today by calling 773-751-7800.

Already a patient? Call to make an appointment.